Adcetris – Brentuximab Vedotin Side effects

Adcetris (Brentuximab Vedotin) is a medication used to treat certain types of cancer, including Hodgkin lymphoma and a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma called systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

It is an antibody-drug conjugate that works by targeting cancer cells and delivering a toxin to destroy them.

While Adcetris has been shown to be effective in treating these types of cancer, it also has several potential side effects.

Some of these side effects are mild and manageable, while others can be more serious and require close monitoring.

In this article, we will explore the side effects of Adcetris and how they can be managed.

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Adcetris – Brentuximab Vedotin Side effects:

Side Effect

Common Symptoms

Serious Symptoms

Nausea and VomitingFeeling sick to the stomach, throwing upSevere vomiting or inability to keep fluids down
FatigueFeeling tired, weak, or exhaustedUnable to perform normal activities or difficulty getting out of bed
FeverElevated body temperature above the normal rangeHigh fever, chills or shaking, and/or signs of infection
ConstipationDifficulty passing stools, infrequent bowel movementsSevere constipation or abdominal pain, cramps, and/or vomiting
DiarrheaLoose or watery stools, frequent bowel movementsSevere diarrhea or dehydration, bloody stools, or abdominal pain
HeadachePain in the head, often described as throbbing or achingSevere headache or migraines, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty speaking
Muscle and Joint PainAches or soreness in the muscles or jointsSevere or debilitating pain, swelling, or redness in the affected area
ChillsFeeling cold, shivering, or shakingSevere chills, shaking, or tremors
AnaphylaxisDifficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face or throatLife-threatening allergic reactions, including throat swelling or difficulty breathing
Peripheral NeuropathyTingling, numbness, or weakness in the hands or feetSevere or debilitating nerve pain, difficulty walking or using the affected limbs
Lung ProblemsShortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, or difficulty breathingSevere or life-threatening lung problems, including inflammation or scarring
Blood Cell CountsDecreased red or white blood cell counts, increased risk of infection or bleedingSevere anemia or low blood cell counts, increased risk of infections, bleeding or bruising, and/or fatigue and weakness

How to Manage the Brentuximab Vedotin Side effects?

Managing the side effects of Adcetris is an important part of cancer treatment. There are several strategies that can be used to help manage these side effects, including:

  • Medications:

Medications can be prescribed to help manage nausea, vomiting, and other side effects. Patients should be asked to take a light diet, do not eat full stomach, and drink green tea or ginger tea with honey and lemon.

Over-the-counter medications like domperidone, metoclopramide, and Zofran (Ondansetron) can be used to alleviate the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

  • Rest:

Rest is an important part of managing fatigue and other side effects. Patients should plan to take it easy after each infusion and allow themselves time to rest and recover.

Patients may also take a multivitamin tablet daily and exercise regularly.

  • Diet:

Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated can help manage side effects like constipation and diarrhea. Patients should talk to their healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to get personalized dietary advice.

  • Exercise:

Gentle exercise can help manage fatigue and improve overall well-being. Patients should talk to their healthcare provider before starting an exercise program to ensure it is safe for them.

  • Communication:

Patients should always communicate any concerns or side effects to their healthcare provider. This can help ensure that any issues are addressed promptly and appropriately.

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